Launch of a Redmine based cloud service: My Redmine Global Edition

2024-08-07  •  Tags:  •  KUROTANI Akihiro

My Redmine Global Edition Web site

Far End Technologies Corporation has launched a new service,"My Redmine Global Edition", a simple cloud-based Redmine service for project management, aimed at international customers.

Far End Technologies Corporation has supported the development of Redmine, an open-source project management software, for over a decade.

We launched Redmine.JP in 2007, to provide information about Redmine in Japanese, helping increase its recognition in Japan.

In 2009, we introduced "My Redmine JP Edition", a cloud service tailored for Japanese users, which has supported over 1,500 companies.

To reach a global audience, we launched "Redmine Advisor", an English resource website of Redmine, in 2023.

Additionally, we introduced "My Redmine Global Edition", aiming to expand Redmine's benefits worldwide.

My Redmine Global Edition web site:
(Summarized information is also available in: 日本語, 繁體中文, 简体中文, Tiếng Việt)

My Redmine Global Edition Free Trial:

Created: 2024-08-07  •  Tags: